This urban exploration gave us the creeps. Even though you can easily tell nobody has been there in a long time, it felt as if we were being watched the entire time. We found multiple abandoned buildings, a few abandoned trailers, and an abandoned house. For some reason, the area reminded me of the walking dead.
We also found what we thought resembled a small grave site, about the size of a child or large dog. The site has a small fence that was at one time standing around the site, but the fence is no longer standing. We forgot to get a video of the spot, but it was most likely the grave of a dog.
We found these abandoned houses while out exploring the deserts of Nevada.
When we reviewed the video for editing, we noticed what appeared to be two silhouettes watching us from a distance. I am not sure if they were people or just shadows, but you can see them at 12:47. We heard a lot of strange noises while we were there. Definitely a creepy urban exploration.
Some viewers are confused and think we are talking about the white SUV in the video, but that white SUV is my vehicle. The two silhoettes are far behind the white SUV, to the right of it. If you are on a cell phone, chances are you will see nothing.
#Abandoned #Exploring #ExploreWithUs