We found this abandoned building in the middle of nowhere Nevada. Tucked into a nice valley with no services within 50 + miles. about 7 miles from the nearest paved road.
It consists of two small miner cabins, an outhouse, and a massive processing plant. The processing plant looks like you could install power and be back in business in no time!
What was most striking about the place was the lack of senseless vandalism, something we see far to often at these remote places. This reassures us that not many people get up to this place.
We hiked up to the first small mining camp and took a short break. Then we made it up to what we were looking for. We never know what we are going to find when we search and find these places.
Can anyone date the freezers? Anything else?
We never take anything from the places we visit. We only document them for entertainment and historic reasons.
#Abandoned #Exploring #ExploreWithUs